Zeronym, a zero knowledge identity protocol built by the Holonym Foundation, allows anyone to secretly prove facts about their identity without revealing who they are. Over 125,000 pseudonymous Zeronym users around the world have unlocked these rights, proving their unique personhood, residency, and other attributes to curate a rich digital reputation that they alone own and control.
Human Keys can be used to store private data and produce proofs on that data. Zeronym supports proofs of legal personhood either NFC-supported or standard government IDs. Anyone can utilize Proof of Personhood to prove they are a unique human, have a government ID, and other attributes such as residency, age, etc., while remaining anonymous. Proof that you are a unique human, not a robot, is often necessary for digital voting systems, security against bot/spam attacks, and coordination between real people within DAOs (Decentralized Autonomous Organizations).
Making digital rights to humanity, privacy, and security accessible to all internet users through the decentralized web.
Holonym Foundation was established to devlop and proliferate to make security and privacy more usable in web3 and zero trust environments.
We have built resilient and decentralized infrastructure to allow anyone, anywhere, to create Human Keys with , easily use them with and privately prove facts about their identity with .
Mishti Network is decentralized network for creating cryptographic keys derived from human attributes, such as biometrics, security questions, or other knowledge unique to an individual person. It
Silk: a free (no SaaS fees), permissionless (no centralized "MPC" from a web2 account) wallet embeddable in any dApp without the need for browser extensions or app downloads. Onboard your users in seconds, without sacrificing self-custody or security